Meet Chuck Gibson-Santa Margarita Water Commissioner

Published: Oct. 1, 2020, 2:32 a.m.

For most of us, we don't even think about where our water comes from. As long as we turn on the tap and water comes out, we're happy. But here in Orange County it's not that simple. For with our ever increasing demand and ever endangered imported supply, it's a constant battle to keep our water flowing.

Meet one of the unsung heroes that make that happen, Santa Margarita Water Commissioner Chuck Gibson.  After he retired from being a legislative analyst for the City of Los Angeles for 30 years (trying to analyze state and Federal bills and figure out how they impacted LA and how to state that impact in simple terms for laymen and legislators alike), he moved to Ladera Ranch here in Orange County and found a second act career as a water commissioner in South Orange County.

Hear where our water comes from. How far away we have to go to import it. And how Chuck and others keep finding new ways to save every drop and add to our supply.  Insuring that our most precious and precarious resources keeps flowing in the first of our two part series on how WATER WORKS here in Orange County

Only on OC Talk Radio, Orange County's only community radio station.