Impact OC: Working Wardrobes

Published: Feb. 14, 2024, 7:22 p.m.

b'How does Working Wardrobes achieve its mission to help women, men, young adults, and veterans overcome challenges so they can achieve the dignity of work and the power of a paycheck? Find out by listening to OC Talk Radio Public Affairs Director Dawn Kamber\\u2019s interview with Working Wardrobes Chief Executive Officer Bonni Pomush and Working Wardrobes 2023 Impact Honoree UBS Market Executive for the Pacific Desert Market Justin Frame. They talk about how Working Wardrobe clients work with individuals and corporations to boost their career readiness. Only on OC Talk Radio, Orange County\\u2019s Only Community Radio Station which streams live from the University of California-Irvine\\u2019s BEALL APPLIED INNOVATION CENTER.'