Another podcast for newcomers: Kate Johnson (England)

Published: April 20, 2021, 4:51 a.m.

In this episode, I chat with Kate Johnson. She's my first guest from England and also hosts a podcast for immigrants in Canada. Today, instead of being the interviewer, she'll be sharing her story with us. Subscribe to the Podcast If you enjoyed listening to this episode, don’t forget to subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your favourite podcasts. And make sure to follow the show on Instagram and LinkedIn. Lastly, if you’re an immigrant and you want to share your story on the show, go to and fill out the form. I’ll be in touch shortly after receiving your submission. Thanks for listening, I’m Oscar Cecena and this is Immigrants of Toronto. Learn more about Kate Johnson Kate Johnson Kate Johnson is a content creator and events manager who is always full of beans! Originally from England, she has lived and worked long-term in 5 different countries and is passionate about helping others adjust to the big move abroad. After graduating with a BA in English from Bournemouth University, Kate built a career in event management and regularly executed large-scale trade shows, weddings and corporate conferences from start to finish. In 2017, she went backpacking solo around South-East Asia and met a dashing Canadian… Cue an unexpected move across the world: From a crowded English city to a new lake life in rural Ontario! Kate quickly realized that building a new life in Canada is a constant rollercoaster of ups and downs. Throw in a brutal Canadian winter season, and you can start to feel isolated and overwhelmed. She decided to use her event management experience to launch a networking event and 30-booth trade show ‘Xpat Xpo’ for Toronto’s international newcomers. After the pandemic announcement and shift towards a more virtual world, Kate has since launched The Newcomer Collective: A digital home where internationals can listen to each other’s honest real-life stories through weekly podcast episodes, connect at monthly social events and learn how to create a Canadian life that they love one ‘TimBit’ at a time. Get in touch with Shauna thenewcomercollective.comPodcastInstagramFacebookLinkedIn