Episode 7 - A Christmas Selection Box

Published: Dec. 16, 2015, 12:30 p.m.

Merry Christmas! At this special time of year, we dig deep into our bulging sack to bring you three festive adventures for Doctor Who and chums. The First Doctor, Steven and Sara enjoy a seasonal Scouse runaround in The Feast of Stephen, the Tenth Doctor spends most of the day sleeping off the night before in The Christmas Invasion, and it’s Crinkley Bottoms all round as some ageing Doctors get their heads round brain-bending 3D panto Dimensions in Time. Along the way: wassailing, port, mince pies, Noel Edmonds, more port, the greatest Doctor Who tie-in book ever written, even more port, and a suggestion from Jim that’ll change the way you view Planet of the Spiders forever.