Wisdom for Dummies

Published: Aug. 17, 2009, 8:22 p.m.

b'Clay Nelson wonders in his Pentecost 11 sermon if Solomon embodies wisdom, then what the hell is wisdom anyway?\\xa0 His question takes him to an unexpected answer.\\n"When I read the story of Solomon\\u2019s rise to power and his prayer for wisdom I roll my eyes.\\xa0How can a man who allowed his mother to manipulate him into killing off his half-brother, his father\\u2019s priests and advisors to solidify his power be considered wise?\\xa0It is baffling that this same person who after praying for wisdom would drain his kingdom\\u2019s resources and oppress his people to build a Temple even God did not want.\\xa0That this despotic ruler is promoted as the embodiment of wisdom, makes me wonder what the hell wisdom is anyway and how do we know our prayer for it is answered?"\\nFull text and video links at http://www.stmatthews.org.nz/nav.php?sid=503&id=961'