Winter Soup

Published: July 9, 2007, 2:41 a.m.

b'In this sermon Glynn how the authoritative God represented by the Trinity and defended vigorously by the church, or at least its ordained members, is dying, while for him a God of hospitality grows in importance and substance.\\n\\nBishop J.A.T. Robinson once talked about faith having a firm centre and open edges. The debate that rages across the Anglican world, and even infiltrates my computer, is what constitutes the centre. Some want to put sexuality, morals, and the Bible there.\\n\\nMaybe it comes with age, but I find that what I want to affirm in the centre is getting less and less. Yet the less and less I am affirming is becoming more and more important, and I more and more strident.\\n\\nSimply, God is in the centre. Not the full-blown Christian creedal and dogmatic package, but just one word: hospitality. Hospitality summarizes the life of Jesus. It is generous, boundary-breaking, transformative love." Full text at'