Beyond the Club

Published: Oct. 7, 2007, 8:39 p.m.

b'On the Sunday nearest the Feast of St Francis, critters were Glynn Cardy\'s opening into a sermon. Using A. Lobel\'s children\'s story "The Grasshopper on the Road," Glynn explores the parable of the mustardseed as a story about the inclusive nature of the kingdom of God and the club nature of the church.\\n\\n"Every community places boundaries around itself. It creates a sense of identity and belonging. It delineates between insiders and outsiders. Even the most inclusive community in the world has boundaries. The art of inclusion though is to recognize that your community does not have a monopoly on truth, love, God, beauty, and knowledge, and neither does any other community; and to keep the boundaries you have as porous as possible so that the challenge and love of God may freely flow through." Full text at'