Corporate Podcasting With Evo Terra #IDIODC

Published: June 3, 2020, 4 p.m.

Do you listen to podcasts? If so, you may have wondered how you might leverage the podcasting format as part of your learning solutions within your company. Oh, you haven't had that thought? Why not?

Podcasting is more than just digital versions of news programs or repurposed comedy shows. Podcasting is an amazing way to deliver audio content in a format that is easy to access and available to all employees with a computer or mobile device. In fact, it's a great vehicle for delivering learning content. Internal corporate podcasts are beginning to grow in popularity.

This week we have an amazing guest to talk with us about the power of podcasting. Evo Terra, also known as Pod Yoda has a long history with podcasting and one of the earliest producers and advocates of the format. He also has the distinction of being the first IDIODC guest with a Wikipedia Page. Join us for a what I know will be a highly informative conversation about corporate podcasting... and learning.


"I'm incessantly curious, risk tolerant, and not afraid to ask the hard questions. But I'm also a pragmatist and seasoned biz ops professional. I'm the contrarian voice that invents solid practices where needed; the champion of change and innovation with a keen eye on the balance sheet. And I know how to inject confidence into under-appreciated team of good people doing good work.

I embraced the web when it was young, dragging a multi-billion dollar company along with me as they kicked and screamed all the way to the bank. I’m among the first dozens of podcasters, where there are now nearly a million. I've lead teams of innovators, presented to thousands of people around the world, have authored 2.5 books in the “for Dummies” series, and continue to push the envelope of media and technology."" - Evo Terra

Become virtual friends with the IDIODC gang on twitter. Remember you can always stay in the loop by searching through the #IDIODC tag:

Evo: @EvoTerra

Brent: @BSchlenker

Chris: @Chris_V_W


Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.

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