#3 The Magnificent Seven

Published: Oct. 8, 2016, 4:45 p.m.

After seeing "The Magnificent Seven," Bobby and Geoff discuss its confusing gunfights, how awesome Denzel Washington always is, the westerns they haven't seen but want to ("Shane"), the westerns that haven't been made but should be (how about "Cowboys & Zombies"?), and the potentially perilous future of Chris Pratt's acting career. They also fret over the film's politics of representation while wishing they could hear from a more diverse pool of film critics. Links to articles mentioned in the podcast: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/18/movies/denzel-washington-ethan-hawke-antoine-fuqua-the-magnificent-seven.html?_r=0 Also, a few corrections: -The movie takes place in 1879, not 1873 -Ethan Hawke's character is named Goodnight Robicheaux, not Goodnight Rochibeaux Credits: Producers: Geoff George & Bobby Evers Intro music: "Elk Mountain," by Melkbelly