Modernizing a 200 Year Old Business Model

Published: May 7, 2020, 7 p.m.

What if I told you that you could raise your prices by 30%, cut half of your products—and still have excited customers and a growing business? The challenge, however, is that you have to transform your business model, re-arrange several internal departments, and invest in technology to create personalized experiences. For the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA), its need to transform was not just about maintaining and growing membership.  It was about understanding how to deliver real value to its members in the right way. That meant looking at essentially a 200-year-old business model and deciding to do better.  By evaluating outside industries, HFMA identified a new set of experiences it could adopt and expand to create something new, but familiar to its membership. In this podcast we talk to Garth Jordan, Chief Strategy Officer & Senior Vice President of HFMA about this multi-year journey of transformation. Moderated by Fred Faulkner, Partner at ICF Next.