I Bumped Into Lerato Mantambo | Being 1 out of 8 black female pilots at the time & why representation matters in industry where diversity is lacking

Published: April 22, 2020, 9 a.m.

This week I bumped into Lerato Mantambo, who at the time of entering, was one of 8 black female pilots in the aviation industry. 

We chat about  why she chose such an industry that is particularly dominated by white males, why its actually hard to have a gender pay gap in the aviation industry and as always, in true I bumped into style we go deep, where I ask her questions such as what have her exes misunderstood about her & what is the one piece of advice she would give her child. 

It was an absolute delight to have this conversation with Lerato Mantambo & I hope you enjoy this episode as well. 

If you have any questions for Lerato, comments or feedback on the show, please reach out. 

Stay Safe, Stay Home & Stay Strong. 

I Bumped Into team.