How I started a $1 million business in 12 months | Tauriq Adams

Published: Nov. 7, 2019, 7 a.m.

This week I bumped into Tauriq Adams. Shhhuuu where to start with Tauriq. Tauriq is the a serial entrepreneur who started a $1 million business in 12 months. And no he is not doing Forex 

He has gone from packing shelves in Woolworths to raising one of the fastest growing start up’s in Norway that turned over more than $1 million in its first year. 

In this episode we get into the detailed view of how he started his on-delivery food company. The details every entrepreneur needs. The “how: that we never hear in talks or conferences. (him talking about the buildings and being overcharged) 

We also touch on how his business went bankrupt which almost destroyed his entire start up. 

And as always, we go deep. 

I am your host Mnotho Mtshali, and I hope you enjoy this show just as much as I enjoyed interviewing Tauriq.

#IBumpedInto #Woolworths #TauriqAdams #$1million #HowIstartedMyBusiness #Startup #Founder #SerialEntrepreneur #FoodDelivery #Norway #South African