A journey of reconnection…Pill, Infertility, feminine power and becoming a menstrual cycle awareness advocate

Published: Oct. 10, 2020, 1 p.m.

In this episode I speak to Alex, a menstrual cycle awareness advocate, who shares her experience from taking the pill, dealing with infertility and reconnecting to her cycle...

Alex has  worked in the media industry her whole life; running around at 150mph, chasing money, success, affirmation at the expense of her health and wellbeing. Relentlessly sculpting her body at the gym, eating clean and living in a state of constant disconnect. By the age of 34 she had everything she thought  she wanted from the picture of how her life should be and yet she realised it wasn’t giving her the fulfilment and happiness she had hoped.   Not only was she suffering with debilitating body confidence issues, but her feelings of low self-worth had become all consuming, and she had discovered I was unable to conceive.

She realised that none of these outside things were going to give her the worth and value and connection to herself that she had really been longing for. And so she went on a quest to heal from the inside out.  

So when she  came off the pill to have a baby and it proved impossible, things started to unravel. She just could not conceive. Her menstrual cycle and fertility was mirroring back to her the relationship she had had with her own womanhood and herself. And so she dedicated herself to re-learning and re-connecting to all the parts of herself that she had disconnected from her whole life.. With every moment of re-connection she began to learn about her menstrual cycle with new eyes.

As she began to consciously discover the magic and power of her menstrual cycle,  she learnt that her physical body, her menstrual cycle, was so powerful that it was able to connect to the Lunar cycle of the moon. Through cycle tracking, she became so aligned with her womb energy that she was able to surrender to each part of her cycle allowing the tears to flow or the rage to come without judgement or shame. 

She was able to move through each cycle with more compassion and understanding for herself as well as bringing her to a place of even deeper connection with her sisterhood.

"We have learnt that periods are something to be ashamed of, to stop and to hide, but I want to help women break free of these feelings of shame and disgust.  I want to help women feel their feminine power, their wild, their radiant inner beauty and show them how to get the most out of their period by following cyclical awareness.  Without the menstrual cycle, humanity would not exist and I feel moved to educate other women on the power of it, not just as a giver of life, but as a beautiful event that happens each month."

Follow Alex on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamalexcroxford/