Learn how to free your body and mind with this lil’ elixir.

Published: Jan. 28, 2022, 12:30 p.m.

In this episode of HYDRATE, I sat down with JW Ross and immediately felt like he was family. Such a kind and authentic human. 

JW is a successful entrepreneur who left the fintech industry and was looking for the next chapter in his life. He struggled with alcohol addiction and desired to find something that could help free his mind. He wanted to formulate a drink that didn’t have negative side effects. Essentially he was looking for an alcohol replacement for himself. From that desire was born the new drinkable euphoria compound. When making this elixir, JW hoped  to develop a drink that replaced alcohol. What JW didn’t expect, was to make a drink that: increases focus, productivity, enhances mood and energy. What is it? 

Kratom and Kava. Kratom is from Indonesia, kava is from Vanuatu. I was inspired by the transformation stories he shares; blown away actually. After sharing this drink with friends, I’ve discovered that it truly lives up to its name, “FEEL FREE.” I'm delighted to share this episode with you because I feel like it gives hope for those seeking to feel free again.



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What we discuss:


5:36 What is FEEL FREE?

8:09 JW created this synergistic tonic out of necessity to help reduce his own alcohol consumption

11:50 Alcohol is highly processed and this is what makes it so toxic.

16:18 Many people choose unhealthy mood enhancing drinks because they don’t have a choice for something healthy that can elevate their mood.

17:31 No negative changes in blood chemistry

20:22 Within 15 minutes of taking this product you feel free.

20:58 Feel Free is euphoric and enhances productivity and focus.

22:30 Many people are struggling with focus and this drink is an excellent remedy for that.

25:23 The first time JW discovered this formula he fell in love again like he did with alcohol.

26:32 JW shares stories of transformation. 

30:04 Ben Greenfileld loves to use this as a pre workout drink.

30:59 Many people struggle with alcohol addiction. It’s an epidemic.

33:20 Alcohol can put you in your own head and cause you to be self focused

33:46 Paul Chek calls FEEL FREE a heart opener.

37:11 How alcohol increases abdominal fat

40:04 Why FEEL FREE is an aphrodisiac. Tracy’s unexpected experience.

49:46 How much does FEEL FREE cost?

51:43 Anything you take with Feel Free will be amplified.



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