#7 Strength Training and Intuitive Eating with Dr. Mary Morton

Published: April 24, 2020, 4 p.m.

Dr. Mary Morton, Certified Sports Nutritionist and PhD in Biological Sciences, is passionate about coaching female strength athletes discover their true potential through strength training and intuitive eating. 

On this episode, Mary shares her own journey in her relationship with food from one of feeling out of control around food and despising her body to one of feeling peaceful around food, loving her body and discovering her own strength her own way. 

Mary’s shares her wake up moment, the moment she realized that everything she was trying so hard to do to lose weight wasn’t just not working, but was hurting her. In a single moment, she decided to stop everything.  


She now asks her clients to be honest with themselves about how well the traditional dieting approaches work for them. Mary knows from personal experience that macro counting, limiting food groups and restricting calories does more harm than good.  

Interestingly, Mary’s observes that the strength training community, #strongisthenewbeautiful, still holds unrealistic standards of being thin. 


Mary offers her own perspective on why weight loss can’t be prioritized over feeling peaceful in your body. 

Mary’s vision for her business is inspiring: to guide women to increase their strength and use intuitive eating to fuel their bodies. When they do, women have connected with a power within. 

You can find Mary at: 










Check out Intuitive Eating Coaching for Female Strength Athletes: https://intuitiveathletenutrition.com/purchase/


Are you looking for support around your own relationship with food? Check out Tara’s book Hungry: Trust Your Body and Free Your Mind around Food.