Living in Balance & Harmony

Published: Jan. 24, 2019, 4:53 p.m.


Balance is a very useful concept to keep in mind as we grow in becoming our greatest versions. "Balance" the way I describe it here is simply living in harmony with your authentic self, higher self, spirit, soul. Whatever name we give this thing. Balance is living your life genuinely. Have you ever felt guilty? For a moment you were out of alignment with who you know yourself to be, with your values and morals, and so you felt guilt or shame. 

Many times, negative emotions like guilt, shame, fear, anger, anxiety, stress or depression are warning signs. Obvious signals that whatever is going on, the way you are behaving, the environment you're in, is out of alignment with who you truly are. When we feel happy, joyful, in love, at peace and excited, these are signals that you are living more in alignment with your authentic self. Keep in mind, I am not saying that overindulgence in drugs or stimulation of any kind is alignment, feeling happy at others expense is not either. When you learn to stay present with your mind and body, you will understand the difference between a heart's desire and minds or bodies desire.

This isn't to say you won't slip up, I sure do quite often. But it is important that we get back on our feet, learn from our trials and tribulations and keep moving forward. Every slip up is key in your evolution here. When someone falls off their bike or strip when they are just learning how to walk, this is always a part of learning. Your body will rebalance itself and learn from that mistake. 

So you might find yourself overeating, overindulging in TV, video games, drugs or alcohol. just be present with how you feel. Think about what excites you in life, are these actions serving your higher purpose? Do you feel any bit of guilt or shame about these things? Take steps each day to getting better. Just remember the balance, a drink isn't so bad every now and then. Watching a movie is great and fun! Even reading and working out are lovely. But too much of any of these things can really throw you off track. 

Remember, everyone's balance is different. There are people who work 12 hours a day, I myself work about 5 or 6 and I am comfortable with that. People might even think that my idea of balance is totally wrong, that's absolutely fine, this is what works for me. Find what works for you.



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