How to stop caring about what other people think

Published: Jan. 21, 2019, 9:12 p.m.

I don't know about you, but I have struggled for a long time with caring about what other people think of me. It's weird too because when I was a kid being loud and weird in the supermarket, my mother would say "Can you stop? You're embarrassing me, people are watching." I never understood the concept of embarrassment, of worrying about what others think of you. Until the ego develops and we begin identifying ourselves with our bodies, our clothes, our skills, our accomplishments and of course, what others think. This is an incredible trap, I started feeling nervous walking down the street because I would feel judged by the people driving by. I remember one time I got a hair cut that I did not like so I stayed home from school until I could get another cut to fix it. 

I started being somebody that I am not, just to please others, so that I could build up this ego identity. The big issue here is that all of this is totally out of my control. I don't control whether or not you will like me, we all have free will. Not to mention, none of this will make me happy long term, the ego always needs more. 10 people like me? I need 20! 20 people like me? I need 30! On and on this goes. When we take a step back and decide to be ourselves, to love ourselves, to pursue some sort of dream or goal, to create what we want to create and to realize that we are not the ego, then, and only then can we live an exciting, free, joyful experience of life. Not saying get rid of the ego, because it is a part of human nature, I am just saying, decide to live in alignment with your higher self, with your values, be yourself! 

It takes an ego to judge, but it also takes an ego to care about that judgment, to take it to heart. Decide that you want to feel good, you want to be yourself, you want to be happy and at peace. Just establish that none of this is helping you get closer to feeling the way you want to feel. Lastly, just picture yourself as a confident, strong, attractive, leader type of person who knows what he/she wants, who chooses to have fun, to play, to be themselves, who is free from concern. Imagine yourself as this person, keep this picture in your mind's eye. It could be anything, just picture yourself how you would like to be. Now make the decision each day to cultivate this being, to live in alignment with this. Because this, is you, if it was not you, then you wouldn't want to picture it and be it. This is you, beneath all the worries and anxieties and insecurities, this is you! I hope this helps you relieve some stress that you may be carrying due to your worry about the opinions of others. Thank you!

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