Don't be so hard on yourself

Published: Jan. 10, 2019, 4:24 p.m.

Relax, chill out and stop being so hard on yourself. It is great that you have such a high standards to become the greatest version of yourself. It's fantastic that you are willing to make sacrifices to become a better you. You are trying, you are putting forth effort most people unfortunately do not. This is all so beautiful and you should be giving yourselves a pat on the back for your efforts. But you care too much, you expect too much, and this is eating you alive. Just take a step back, and stop taking yourself too seriously. You are guided, you are taken care of, and every moment will pass regardless of your worry and anxiety driven thoughts about it. So be here right now, present with this moment. Because this all you life is, and all it will ever be. This moment is the most important moment of your life. Once you realize this, that voice that disguises itself as you, kicking and screaming that you are worthless, lazy and a failure, this loud voice, will cease to exist. Just breath, see the beauty of this life, hear the beauty of the sounds, and know that you are so much more powerful than you give yourself credit. 

Finally, if you are beating yourself up for you mistakes, just appreciate the fact that you know they are mistakes. Many of us are coasting through life blindly not knowing the next step to take towards becoming our authentic selves. You have that step taken care of. Proud of you!


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