Prediction Markets, Decision Making, and Politics - Paul Sztorc (Part 2)

Published: Aug. 21, 2018, 5:43 p.m.


Paul is the godfather of blockchain prediction markets.

With a personal interest in prediction markets and it's effect on the future, I picked his brain some more.

Distributed decision making can change sports, investing, global warming, and politics.

If you have better information, you can profit. Listen as we go deep into something that could change the world.


2:25 - Godfather of prediction markets
4:04 - Use cases for prediction markets
5:35 - Making Government better
6:50 - More use cases
13:05 - Today's decisions
16:58 - On filtering ignorant policies
19:47 - Ideal political platforms
21:05 - Futarchy
23:22 - How to convince the public
24:41 - Oracles, decentralized
28:27 - Paul's upcoming sidechain project
