Episode 58 Getting Geopolitical

Published: Aug. 22, 2014, 10:59 p.m.

b'In this episode we go off topic and delve in the current geopolitical issues of Ferguson, MO, Ukraine, Iraq, Gaza, and Rick Perry. Our normal programming will be back next time.\\n\\nFEEDBACK\\n\\nTravis\\xa0via voicemail\\n\\nEmail us at contact@htotw.com or call us at (541) 203-0666.\\n\\nSUPPORTERS\\n\\nNew Gold Sponsor - Travis Megee\\n\\nNew Bronze Sponsor - Mark\\n\\nThis episode is brought to you by:\\n\\nNuclear Sponsor \\u2013 US$20.00 per month or US$10.00 per episode\\n* Christie Anderson\\n* Renee Davis-Pelt\\n* Russ from the Kitsap Atheists & Agnostics\\n\\nPlatinum Sponsor \\u2013 US$10.00 per month or US$5.00 per episode\\n* Virginia Dawn\\n* Mark\\n\\nGold Sponsor \\u2013 US$5.00 per month\\n* Vernware\\n* Gary from Idaho Atheists\\n* Travis Megee\\n\\nKickass Patron \\u2013 US$1.00 per episode\\n*Kevin\\n*The Flying Skeptic\\n\\n* Archway Hosting provides full featured web hosting for a fraction of the cost of traditional shared hosting. You get all the benefits of shared hosting, without the sticker shock or extra fees. Check them out at\\xa0archwayhosting.com.\\n\\n\\n\\nYou can find us online at\\xa0www.htotw.com, follow us on Twitter\\xa0@AtheistNomads,\\xa0like us on Facebook, email us at\\xa0contact@htotw.com, and leave us a voice mail message at (541) 203-0666.\\n\\nTheme music is provided by Sturdy Fred.\\n\\nRecorded for release on 2014-08-21'