Episode 56 Welcome Back Teresa MacBain

Published: July 26, 2014, 2:41 a.m.

b'CALL TO ACTION!\\n\\n* Petition to remove Idaho\\u2019s child welfare faith healing exemptions\\n\\nINTRO\\n\\n0:09:01 THIS DAY IN HISTORY - July 24\\n\\n* 1487 - City sacked due to foreign beer ban\\n* 1959 - Nixon and Khrushchev have a "kitchen debate"\\n* 1982 - "Eye Of The Tiger" from Rocky III tops the U.S. pop charts\\n* 2005 - Lance Armstrong wins seventh Tour de France\\n\\n0:20:32 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY\\n\\n* Solar sails are on their way\\n* Voyager I hit by another solar tsunami\\n* Yellowstone roads melting\\n* Ohio Amish are getting vaccinated\\n\\n0:33:05 POLITICS AND RELIGION\\n\\n* Ted Cruz thinks Democrats are at war with Catholics \\n* Abstinence only Louisiana senate candidate will be a grandpa\\n* Colorado\\u2019s free contraceptives program results\\n* Iraqi Christians ordered to convert, pay up, or die\\n* Kentucky church knowingly hired a convicted sex offender for a pastor and guess what, he raped a 14 year old boy\\n* Study shows that religious children are more credulous\\n\\n0:50:15 INTERVIEW - Teresa MacBain\\n\\n1:53:44 FEEDBACK\\n\\n* Gwen via email\\n* Al in Canada via email\\n\\nEmail us at contact@htotw.com or call us at (541) 203-0666.\\n\\nSUPPORTERS\\n\\nNew patron - Kevin!\\n\\nNuclear Sponsor - US$20.00 per month or US$10.00 per episode\\n* Renee Davis-Pelt\\n* Russ from the Kitsap Atheists & Agnostics\\n* Robert Ray, Humanists of the North Puget Sound\\n\\nPlatinum Sponsor \\u2013 US$10.00 per month or US$5.00 per episode\\n* Virginia Dawn\\n* Mark\\n\\nGold Sponsor \\u2013 US$5.00 per month\\n* Vernware\\n* Gary from Idaho Atheists\\n\\nKickass Patron - US$1.00 per episode\\n*Kevin\\n\\n* Archway Hosting provides full featured web hosting for a fraction of the cost of traditional shared hosting. You get all the benefits of shared hosting, without the sticker shock or extra fees. Check them out at archwayhosting.com.\\n* This vs. That - A new six part series available for download made just for geeky skeptics like you! Use offer code "nomads" at checkout for 25% off your purchase at thisvsthatshow.com.\\n\\n\\n\\nYou can find us online at www.htotw.com, follow us on Twitter @AtheistNomads, like us on Facebook, email us at contact@htotw.com, and leave us a voice mail message at (541) 203-0666.\\n\\nTheme music is provided by Sturdy Fred.\\n\\nRecorded for release on 2014-07-24'