Episode 44 A Year without God with Ryan Bell

Published: Feb. 1, 2014, 1:16 a.m.

b'INTRO\\n* Idaho Navigators\\n* Server move, feeds, new stats\\n* Now on Stitcher and Secular.fm\\n\\nFEEDBACK\\n* Russ - Laser Therapy\\n* Promo Video\\n* Science Based Medicine\\n\\nEmail us at contact@htotw.com or call us at (541) 203-0666.\\n\\nSUPPORTERS\\n\\nTHIS DAY IN HISTORY - January 30\\n\\n* 1862 - USS Monitor launched\\n* 1948 - Gandhi assassinated\\n* 1972 - Bloody Sunday\\n\\nSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY\\n\\n* China\\u2019s moon rover broke down\\n* Ceres spews water\\n* Natural ball lightning studied for the first time\\n* Western US smog is coming from China\\n\\nPOLITICS AND RELIGION\\n\\n* Trans woman in Louisiana kicks ass at her city council\\n* School in the same town sued over proselytizing 6th grade Buddhist child\\n* Uganda\\u2019s President vetoes life in prison anti-gay law\\n* UN Committee on the Rights of the Child takes on Vatican over clergy sexual abuse\\n* Indiana demon possession? \\n\\nINTERVIEW - Ryan Bell\\n\\nRyan is a former Seventh-day Adventist pastor whose story has gone viral since announcing he\\u2019s trying on atheism.\\n\\n* Blog\\n* Facebook\\n* Twitter @ryanjbell | @yearwithoutgod\\n\\nThis episode is brought to you by:\\n\\nNuclear Sponsor - US$20.00 per month\\n* Renee Davis-Pelt\\n* Russ from the Kitsap Atheists & Agnostics\\n\\nPlatinum Sponsor \\u2013 US$10.00 per month\\n* Robert Ray, Humanists of the North Puget Sound\\n* Virginia Dawn\\n\\nGold Sponsor \\u2013 US$5.00 per month\\n* Vernware\\n\\n* Archway Hosting provides full featured web hosting for a fraction of the cost of traditional shared hosting. You get all the benefits of shared hosting, without the sticker shock or extra fees. Check them out at archwayhosting.com.\\n* This vs. That - A new six part series available for download made just for geeky skeptics like you! Use offer code "nomads" at checkout for 25% off your purchase at thisvsthatshow.com.\\n\\n\\n\\nYou can find us online at www.htotw.com, stream the show on Stitcher, follow us on Twitter @AtheistNomads, like us on Facebook, email us at contact@htotw.com, or leave us a voice mail message at (541) 203-0666.\\n\\nTheme music is provided by Sturdy Fred.\\n\\nRecorded for release on 2014-01-30'