Episode 34 Atheism in the North Puget Sound with Robert Ray

Published: Sept. 6, 2013, 5:46 a.m.

b'INTRODUCTION\\n* Humans take robots jobs!\\n* Light the Night | National | Dustin\\n* Foundation Beyond Belief\\n\\nFEEDBACK\\n* Virginia Dawn\\n\\nSUPPORTERS\\n\\nPlatinum Sponsors\\n* Robert Ray from the Humanists of the North Puget Sound\\n* Virginia Dawn\\n* Russ from the Kitsap Atheists & Agnostics\\n\\nGold Sponsor\\n* Vernware\\n\\nTHIS DAY IN HISTORY September 5\\n* 1774 - First Continental Congress convenes\\n* 1970 - U.S. forces launch last major American operation of the war\\n* 1975 - Gerald Ford survives first assassination attempt\\n* 1972 - Arab terrorists take Israeli hostages at the Olympics\\n\\nSCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY\\n* Curiosity can now drive itself\\n* 3-D printing in space\\n* ALMA is OOS due to strike\\n* Whales burn and tan\\n* The East Coast bottlenose dolphin viral die off\\n* Google Palestine hacked\\n\\nPOLITICS/RELIGION\\n* Crucified bus drivers\\n* Megachurch measles outbreak in Texas\\n* MAJ Nidal Hasan want\\u2019s the death penalty and gets it\\n* North Korea executes musicians for pornography\\n* Zurich, Switzerland opens up prostitution drive in\\u2019s\\n* Artist fleas Russia after paintings of Putin in lingerie are ceased\\n* US Marines consider the nonreligious to be \\u201cat risk\\u201d\\n* FFRF wins standing in Parish Exemption case\\n\\nInterview\\n\\nRobert Ray, President of the Humanists of the North Puget Sound\\n\\nSecular home school links\\n* FaceBook group\\n* website\\n* Google+\\n\\n\\n\\nYou can find us online at www.htotw.com, follow us on Twitter @AtheistNomads, like us on Facebook, email us at contact@htotw.com, and leave us a voice mail message at (541) 203-0666.\\n\\nTheme music is provided by Sturdy Fred.'