Episode 289 Christianitys cultural background

Published: Feb. 5, 2019, 8 a.m.

b"This week we talk about the cultural background in which Christianity developed, How God chose Trump, a House committee's oath, Catholic sex abuse, YouTube taking conspiracies seriously, and an Iranian dog walking ban.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nEmail us at contact@htotw.com or leave us a voice message at (541) 203-0666 or htotw.com/speakpipeSupport the show at htotw.com/donateSubscribe at htotw.com/subscribe\\n\\n\\n\\nAnnouncements\\n\\n\\n\\nNew Patron rewards are liveEpisode 300 April 21\\n\\n\\n\\nDustin\\u2019 off the Degree - Christianity\\u2019s cultural background\\n\\n\\n\\nEssenes - Jewish sect 2nd century BCE - 1st century CE\\n\\n\\n\\nPovertyImmersion baptism dailyAsceticismPriestly celibacy\\n\\n\\n\\nPharisees vs Sadducees\\n\\n\\n\\nPharisees opposed hellenization, Sadducees were in favor of itPharisees emphasised Mosaic laws, Sadducees emphasised Temple ritesPharisees Torah, prophets, writings, and resurrection of the dead, Sadducees only accepted the Torah\\n\\n\\n\\nMithraism\\n\\n\\n\\nSun godWorshiped on SundayDied on the winter solstice, resurrected/reborn on December 25Popular among Roman soldiers\\n\\n\\n\\nHellenism\\n\\n\\n\\nPlatonic philosophyNeopythagorean influenceStoicismHellenized JewsSupra rational god accessible only through ecstasy\\n\\n\\n\\nRoman emperor worship\\n\\n\\n\\nFuneral Societies\\n\\n\\n\\nNews\\n\\n\\n\\nSarah Sanders claims that God wanted Trump to be president\\n\\n\\n\\nTrump never went to church according to his former pastor\\n\\n\\n\\nTrump went to Twitter to support Bible literacy legislation because it\\u2019s a sign that states are going back to a when public schools lead Bible studies, except this past is a fantasy. Yes there were Bible readings in some schools until the Supreme Court put a stop to that, but that is a far cry from Bible studies. Anyway, David Lewicki was Trump\\u2019s pastor for 5 years at the Marble Collegiate Church, a church that Trump likes to talk about, but the pastor finds Trump\\u2019s love of Bible study odd considering he never attended a Bible study at the church or even a church service.\\n\\n\\n\\nThe House committee that proposed removing God from their oath have backtracked\\n\\n\\n\\nDemocrats on the House Natural Resources Committee proposed removing \\u201cso help you god\\u201d from the committee\\u2019s oath. They have now backtracked because they\\u2019re afraid that this would be \\u201churtful and harmful\\u201d.\\n\\n\\n\\nThe proposal had Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming and daughter of Dick Cheney saying \\u201cThey really have become the party of Karl Marx. It is incredible, but not surprising, that the Democrats would try to remove God from committee proceedings in one of their first acts in the majority.\\u201d\\n\\n\\n\\nTony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, which has been identified as a hate group, said \\u201cAlthough the House committee has reversed course, I believe it's important that Speaker Pelosi be put on notice that as Americans, we want and need the presence of God in our government.\\u201d\\n\\n\\n\\nIndian nuns getting split up over support of victim who accused bishop of rape\\n\\n\\n\\nWe have two separate cases of priestly sexual misconduct that does not involve either children or drug fueled gay orgies. First we have a group of Indian nuns who are getting split up and transferred to other parts of India in retaliation for supporting a fellow nun who accused Bishop Franco Mulakkal of raping her 13 times. The nuns have asked the government for help and the bishop is currently on bail awaiting trial.\\n\\n\\n\\nHigh ranking priest in charge of disciplining priests resigns over sex abuse\\n\\n\\n\\nNext we have Hermann Geissler the now former chief of staff for the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, the very body that is responsible for punishing priests. He\\u2019s been accused by a former nun making her kneel in front of him for hours while we would try to get sex out of her, then he would hold her and kiss her until she ran away. When she reported this to a superior, the response was \\u201cYou know, I knew Father has a certain weakness for women, so we kind of have to put up with this.\\u201d\\n\\n\\n\\nIn response to the allegation gaining the credibility of his accuser going public,"