Episode 255 Messianic Judaism and Pride

Published: June 14, 2018, 7 a.m.

b'This week we are joined by Mikey Pullman and talk about Messianic Judaism, why Pride is relevant, renewed gay hate, parents claiming Christianity was on trial, Norway\'s new burqa ban, and more.\\n\\nDustin\\u2019 off the Degree - Messianic Judaism\\n\\nIn the 19th century protestant groups in started targeting Jewish communities for evangelism. In 1821 the London Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews published the first Yiddish New Testament. These efforts spread from the UK to Ukraine, the US, and various other places. In the US they had the greatest success with converting Jewish immigrants and created communities that had their worship services on Saturday and mixed Jewish and Christian customs. As a result the gentile leaders of the groups were being accused of being Judaizers by other Christians.\\n\\nThis movement picked up steam starting in the 1920s and by the 1940s and 50s Southern Baptist missionaries operating in Israel used the term \\u201cmessianics\\u201d instead of notsrim which translates to Christians from Nazarenes.\\n\\nThe modern movement started in the 1960s with young Jewish people converting to Christianity while still being committed to continuing to be culturally Jewish. In response to this increase in interest the Hebrew Christian Alliance of America changed its name to the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America and the group Jews of Jesus started.\\n\\nLike you\\u2019ll find in most religious groups, it\\u2019s difficult to nail down the beliefs because of congregation is a little bit different, but:\\n\\n* Most are trinitarian.\\n* All believe that Jesus is the messiah and even the ones who aren\\u2019t trinitarian believe that he was fathered by the Holy Spirit.\\n* They believe that the Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament, is still in effect and not replaced by Christianity.\\n* They believe that Israel is still God\\u2019s chosen people and generally do not think that switched to gentile Christians.\\n* They consider the Tanakh, the Jewish scripture, same as the Christian Old Testament, but in a different order, as well as the New Testament to be scripture.\\n* Some accept Jewish oral tradition and the Talmud.\\n* They tend to have the same eschatology as evangelical Christians.\\n* They keep the Jewish holidays and include the celebration of Jesus\\u2019s death and resurrection as part of Passover.\\n* They follow Jewish dietary rules.\\n\\nMost of the groups actively work to evangelize to Jews, often through handing out leaflets and doing one on one Bible studies.\\n\\nIn many congregations, especially outside of Israel, a majority of members are not people of Jewish descent. They are Christians that had to convert to both Judaism and Christianity at the same time to join.\\n\\nMessianic Judaism is generally not considered to be Judaism by anyone, unless you need a token \\u201cnon-Christian\\u201d for a National Day of Prayer event or you\\u2019re an Adventist middle school teacher trying to make the segment in Bible class about the Sanctuary more interesting by bringing in a \\u201cJewish person\\u201d.\\n\\nMany liberal Christians actively and often officially oppose Messianic Judaism as they believe that the Jews have their own covenant with God and Christians don\\u2019t need to mess with that. Evangelicals, on the other hand, love Messianic Judaism, because they\\u2019re the Evangelicals that put the Judeo in Judeo-Christian Values.\\n\\nNEWS\\n\\n\'No Gays Allowed\': Tennessee store owner puts sign back up after SCOTUS ruling\\n\\nJeff Amyx, a Baptist pastor and owner of Amyx Hardware & Roofing Supplies from eastern Tennessee was in the news three years ago for his "No Gays Allowed" sign he put up in his store. After getting quite the backlash he replaced it with a sign that read, "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who would violate our rights of freedom of speech & freedom of religion". After the Masterpiece Cake ruling was announced last week, he took that sign down and put his "No Gays Allowed" sign back up.\\n\\n\'Christianity is not on trial\': baby custody case pits B.C. zealots against state'