Episode 241 The Sun, Moon, and Rod

Published: March 6, 2018, 8 a.m.

b'We are joined this week by Brigid Fitch from Holy CRAP! The VlogCast.\\nhttp://holycrapthevlogcast.com/\\nhttps://brigidfitch2112.wordpress.com/\\n\\nDUSTIN\\u2019 OFF THE DEGREE - The Unification Church\\n\\nNEWS\\n\\nHundreds of couples gathered, wearing crowns, for the AR-15 blessing ceremony at the Unification Sanctuary http://cbsn.ws/2tmL8Ua\\n\\nThe Unification Church\\u2019s most famous ritual is mass weddings, but they also do other commitment ceremonies, such as the one that the Moonie offshoot World Peace and Unification Sanctuary in Newfoundland, PA held last week with hundreds of couples showing up wearing crowns and carrying their AR-15 style assault rifles, which the church believes to be the rod of iron in Revelation. During the service they drank holy wine and exchanged or renewed wedding vows. Protesters and state police were outside the church and a school across the street bused students across town to another campus.\\n\\nDuring the service the Rev. Sean Moon prayed for \\u201ca kingdom of peace police and peace militia where the citizens, through the right given to them by almighty God to keep and bear arms, will be able to protect one another and protect human flourishing."\\n\\nFlorida state senator thinks thoughts and prayers are the only solution http://bit.ly/2D1AcLz\\n\\nThe state of Florida debated, passed, and then rescinded an assault rifle ban. One republican voting against the bill was state senator Kelli Stargel. She\\u2019s also interested in limiting gun sales to those under 21, increasing mental health services, and increasing the amount of armed personnel on school campuses, but ultimately\\u2026\\n\\nThe Tennessee GOP and Lt. Gov. have attacked a special election candidate for the state senate because of her atheism http://bit.ly/2H8gkJ0\\n\\nGayle Jordan is the executive director of Recovering from Religion and she\\u2019s also running for the Tennessee State Senate in a special election. A few weeks ago the state Republican Party Chairman Scott Golden called on voters to reject her because she is a quote \\u201cradical atheist\\u201d.\\n\\nOn March 1 Lt Gov Randy McNally went to social media and wrote:\\n\\n"In my 40 plus years in Tennessee politics, I\\u2019ve seen few candidates as dangerous as Gayle Jordan. She is not just out of step with a majority of Tennessee on matters of policy. She is out of step on matters of values and faith.\\nIn her daily work, she directs an organization called \\u201cRecovering from Religion.\\u201d Most Tennesseans, whether they are strong believers or not, recognize the strength and comfort faith provides. Gayle Jordan rejects faith as a positive force for good in the world. She believes faith is something from which people need to be rescued.\\nThis is not the type of person we need in the Tennessee Senate."\\n\\nAn atheist in Ohio is suing over the court mandated religious addiction treatment program he has to attend\\nhttp://bit.ly/2Hb8ZZ1\\n\\nJames Lindon was convicted of drug possession and theft for stealing five hydrocodone pills from the clinic he was working as a pharmacist at and convicted of tampering with evidence for swallowing four of the five pills when confronted by security guards.\\n\\nHe was sentenced to a month in a substance abuse program and two years of probation. He\\u2019s now suing because the program is Alcoholics Anonymous which requires people to submit to a higher power and he\\u2019s an atheist, thus this court ordered program violates his religious freedom.\\n\\nA Kentucky bill to end child marriage is stalling due to lobbying from conservative groups and parental rights concerns http://cjky.it/2oIvyxK\\n\\nSenate Bill 48\\nPulled from schedule\\nKentucky Family Foundation\\n\\nAlabama bill would eliminate marriage licenses http://n.pr/2FXj1xP\\n\\n13 Alabama counties do not offer marriage licenses\\nProbate judges \\u201cmay\\u201d issue licenses not \\u201cshall\\u201d\\nPassed state senate and house judiciary committee\\nEliminate marriage licenses\\nForm to affirm meeting legal requirements\\nMarriage contract\\n\\nThe Utah governor is asking people to pray for snow http://bit.ly/2FZ6v0s'