Episode 201 Live Part 2 with Sam and Becky

Published: June 1, 2017, 7 a.m.

b'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84sWqeOfb9o\\n\\nNEWS\\n\\nA juror has been dismissed because a "higher power" told him the defendant was not guilty\\nhttp://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2017/05/17/juror-dismissed-from-corruption-trial-after-saying-god-told-him-suspect-is-not-guilty/\\n\\nA Missouri school superintendent basically gave a sermon for his public high school graduation address\\nhttp://www.au.org/blogs/wall-of-separation/a-mo-superintendent-decided-to-preach-during-graduation-and-students-are\\n\\nFlorida has an annual faith symposium sponsored by several state government departments\\n https://ffrf.org/news/news-releases/item/29498-ffrf-aclu-urge-cancellation-of-official-fla-religious-event\\n\\nMontreal is now taxing churches...sometimes\\n http://montreal.ctvnews.ca/no-more-religious-exemptions-montreal-is-taxing-churches-1.3415164\\n\\nThe Patriarch and other leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church are blessing the government\'s computers with holy water to protect against Wannacry\\n https://heatst.com/tech/russias-secret-weapon-against-ransomware-virus-holy-water/\\n\\nThere are 40 gay men who have escaped Chechnya to other parts of Russia and have been denied visas by the US and EU countries\\nhttps://www.buzzfeed.com/lesterfeder/us-denies-visas-to-gay-russians-fleeing-kidnapping-and\\n\\nAustria has banned face coverings\\nhttp://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/05/18/528948967/austria-becomes-latest-country-in-europe-to-ban-full-face-veil\\n\\nThe arctic seed vault was flooded by melting permafrost. Fortunately the seeds are safe.\\n https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/may/19/arctic-stronghold-of-worlds-seeds-flooded-after-permafrost-melts\\n\\nThis episode is brought to you by:\\n\\nDark Matter Sponsor - >US$35.00\\n* Travis Megee\\nNuclear Sponsor - US$20.00 - US$35.00 per month\\n* Russ from the Kitsap Atheists & Agnostics\\n* Darryl Goossen\\nPlatinum Sponsor - US$8.00 - US$19.00 per month\\n* Michael\\nGold Sponsor - US$4.00 - US$7.00 per month\\n* Rachel\\n* Mark\\n* Nate\\n* Willow\\n* Alice\\n* Alfred\\n* Henry\\n* Alex\\n* Jaded Zappa\\n* LaTonya\\n* Mike\\n* Renee Davis-Pelt\\n* The Flying Skeptic\\n* Grant\\n* Alan\\nBronze Sponsor - < US$4.00 per month\\n* George\\n* Duncan\\n* Al\\n* Frank\\n* Heather\\n\\n* Archway Hosting provides full featured web hosting for a fraction of the cost of traditional shared hosting. You get all the benefits of shared hosting, without the sticker shock or extra fees. Check them out at archwayhosting.com.\\n\\n\\n\\nYou can find us online at www.htotw.com, follow us on Twitter @AtheistNomads, like us on Facebook, email us at contact@htotw.com, and leave us a voice mail message at (541) 203-0666.\\n\\nTheme music is provided by Sturdy Fred.\\n\\n\\n\\nDOWNLOAD EPISODE'