Episode 13 Luck has nothing to do with it with Sam Mulvey

Published: Oct. 27, 2012, 10:54 p.m.

b'0:01:18 INTRO\\n\\n0:16:11 THIS DAY IN HISTORY - Octber 25th\\n\\n \\t1881 - Pablo Picasso born\\n \\t1944 - First Japanese kamikaze attack of the war\\n \\t1973 - Nixon vetoes war powers resolution\\n \\t1980 - ACDC first Billboard top 40 hit\\n \\t1983 - United States invades Grenada\\n\\n0:40:12 SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY\\n\\n \\tNew IBM microscope can view 100x smaller than an atom\\n \\tRobot of the week - The Navy\\u2019s new "MacGyver-bot"\\n \\tFrogs that are reminiscent of X-men\\u2019s Wolverine\\n \\tAn earth sized exoplanet found a mere 4 light years away\\n \\tRecalibrating carbon dating\\n\\n1:10:11 POLITICS/RELIGION/CULTURE\\n\\n \\t2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals rules DOMA unconstitutional\\n \\tThe pre-election roundup\\n \\tD\'Souza\'s issues\\n\\n1:43:43 MUSIC - \\u201cProbably Gay\\u201d by Katie Goodman and Broad Comedy. You can find out more about Katie and the band at wwww.katiegoodman.com (used by permission)\\n\\n1:48:53 FEATURE - Interview with Sam Mulvey from Ask an Atheist'