437 Bad Things Jesus Taught with David Madison

Published: Dec. 16, 2021, 8 a.m.

b'This week we talk with David Madison, PhD, author of Ten Things Christians Wish Jesus Hadn\\u2019t Taught. David is a former Methodist pastor and has a PhD in Biblical Studies.\\n\\nBook\\u2019s Website\\nDebunking Christianity Blog\\n\\n\\n\\n \\tThe feedback form is at htotw.com/contact\\n \\tLeave us voice message at htotw.com/speakpipe\\n \\tSupport the show at htotw.com/donate\\n \\tSubscribe at htotw.com/subscribe\\n \\tJoin our Discord server at htotw.com/discord\\n\\nThis episode is brought to you by:\\n\\n \\tHenry K\\n \\tDanielle\\n \\tPat Acks from the Humanists of Idaho\\n \\tSoJo\\n \\tBig Easy Blasphemy\\n \\tDarryl G\\n \\tArthur K\\n \\tSamuel C\\n \\tBeatriz A\\n \\tErik from Wyoming\\n \\tLevi C\\n \\tRichard G\\n \\tBal\\xe1zs\\n \\tSteve F\\n \\tBrad R\\n\\nAnd by our $1 patrons and those who want no reward.\\n\\n\\n\\nContact information, show notes, and links to Social Media and the like can be found at https://htotw.com\\n\\nTheme music is provided by Sturdy Fred.\\n\\n\\n\\nFull shownotes can always be found at https://htotw.com/437\\n\\nDownload episode'