407 Dont drink cow urine

Published: May 14, 2021, 7 a.m.

b"This week we talk about Bibles at a Georgia school, FFRF's win in Texas, Mississippi Day of Prayer, Jerusalem, and more. News FFRF says contents of backpacks donated to North Ga. school crossed a fine line Judge: Texas Gov. Cannot Block Atheist Holiday Display in State Capitol Mississippi Official Calls for More Christians in Office\\xa0at Day of Prayer Event US restores transgender health protections denied by Trump Clashes at the Al-Aqsa Mosque Indian politician recommends drinking cow urine to stop Covid spread, demonstrates on camera Nova Scotia Church Fined Over $74,000 for Ignoring Pandemic Restrictions Dozens of German priests will defy the Vatican and live-stream blessings of gay couples Study shows gender affirming surgery helps mental health for trans people who want surgery Feedback Bob via the website SoJo via Patreon Support This episode is brought to you by: Henry K Danielle M Pat Acks from the Humanists of Idaho SoJo Beatriz A Zoe Darryl G Arthur K Samuel C Erik from Wyoming Jennifer N Erica B Jonathan N Richard G Bal\\xe1zs Rebecca P And by our $1 patrons and those who want no reward. Contact information, show notes, and links to Social Media and the like can be found at https://htotw.com Theme music is provided by Sturdy Fred."