EPISODE 051: Exploring Faith Part 1 - A Scholarly Foundation for Defining Faith

Published: June 16, 2020, 3:20 p.m.

Our guest, Mike Hutchinson, affectionately known as Hutch, is a student of Christian reformed theology and host of the True Presbyterian podcast. He lives in Chattanooga, Tenn. with his wife by way of South Carolina. He’s been through seminary and is studying to become ordained later this year.

This is part 1 of a 2-part series where Hutch really dives deep to explore what faith is from different perspectives including that of the theologian, pastor, the secularist, and himself personally. In Part 1, we focus on a historical and scholarly foundation and in part 2, we get more personal and introspective. Overall, we explore what faith is, how it can be elusive at times, how to have it, why it’s important, and how it shapes the human condition and society.

To be more specific, in part 1 today, we get to know Hutch’s journey into becoming a pastor; what seminary was like; the difference between religion and spirituality; the types of non-Christian and Christian faith; a light history of reformed Presbyterians; what “reformed” means; and deep, technical definitions of faith, based on an explanation of doctrine.

We wrap up Part 1 with Hutch making the argument that you can’t make a distinction between secularity and spirituality. Ooh, I can’t wait to hear what you guys think about it.

But, from this episode, you’ll learn that defining terms and having the context of history is really important in understanding faith from a Christian theological perspective. Underneath the scholarly discussion, you’ll learn that we have a primary purpose in life, according to Christian doctrine and through Hutch’s example. And, in the show notes, you’ll get an impressive list of reading if you wish to study further.