018 - SEO

Published: Feb. 4, 2016, 8:22 a.m.

b'Welcome to Episode 18 of HubShots!\\n\\nFor show notes please visit:\\nhttp://hubshots.com/episode-18/\\n\\nWelcome\\nThis episode we\\u2019re focussing on what SEO really means these days, look at trends and mention a few updates around how to approach.\\n\\nSEO = remarkable content, promoted well\\n\\nShot 1: Inbound Thought of the Week\\nHOW TO USE MEDIA RELATIONS TO DRIVE SEO: GINI DIETRICH [IDEAS & EXPERIENCES] http://www.inbound.com/blog/gini-dietrich-ideas-and-experiences\\n\\nAction: look at slideshare and watch the video and implement 1item\\n\\nShot 2: HubSpot feature/tip of the Week\\nSmart content by Preferred Language \\u2013 released in the last 24 hours. Supports over 130 languages: http://www.hubspot.com/product-updates/smart-content-tailor-visitor-experience-by-preferred-language\\n\\nAction: Great way to test..eg. in Australia you market to Chinese and you want to show them a specific call to action\\n\\nShot 3: Challenge of the Week\\nNot knowing where to start with SEO!\\n\\nStart with driving business outcomes \\u2013 use AdWords to test your theories!\\n\\nShot 4: Opinion of the Week\\nSEO is changing: http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/new-era-seo\\n\\nAction: Read this and consider how your customers are using the various search options to search for your solutions\\n\\nShot 5: General Tip of the Week\\nTechnical SEO has amazing effects: http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/technical-seo\\n\\nAction: Go back to your website and check if there are things that can be improved. Use https://website.grader.com to start your journey.\\n\\nShot 6: State of Inbound Item of the Week\\nPage 23 of INBOUND report about Best-in-Class Marketing Practices: http://www.stateofinbound.com/\\n\\nLeading marketers focus on ROI and reap the rewards\\nPage 29 Quote \\u201cLeading marketers check their analytics frequently\\u201d\\n\\nAction item: Focus on ROI\\n\\nShot 7: Motivation of the Week\\nAlthough Search is much more competitive now than it was a year ago, there are still windows of opportunity\\ne.g. the HubSpot post above \\u2013 even the biggest companies can focus on SEO to get big benefits\\n\\nAction item: Look for the opportunities\\n\\nLook at Webmaster Tools as that is how Google communicates with website owners. \\u2013 https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools\\n\\nShot 8: Resource of the Week\\n\\nKeyword research: https://ahrefs.com/blog/keyword-research/\\n\\n\\n\\nAction item: be aware of the tools and processes available for keyword research, and the value it can provide\\n\\nhttps://website.grader.com\\n\\nAction item: run your site through Grader so you have a quick snapshot indication of the site health\\n\\nhttps://moz.com/search-ranking-factors\\n\\nAction item: Be aware of the huge range of different ranking factors, but don\\u2019t get too overwhelmed. Notice how content and links are key recurring items.\\n\\nhttps://moz.com/local-search-ranking-factors \\u2013 great if you are a local based business\\n\\nHire a Google Trusted Photographer: https://www.google.com.au/maps/streetview/trusted/\\n\\nAction item: Google Local Listing\\n\\nhttps://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/\\n\\nAction item: run your site through Google insights tool\\n\\nhttp://backlinko.com/search-engine-ranking\\n\\nAnalysed 1 million search results:\\nLinks are of course very important, content is the key.\\n\\nShot 9: Community Item of the Week\\nhttps://inbound.org/discuss/what-are-the-downsides-to-reposting-existing-blog-content-to-medium\\n\\nAction item: be aware of other easy to use distribution channels\\n\\nWrap up: The right content in the right format to the right people at the right time'