008 - Buyer Beware versus Seller Beware

Published: Dec. 1, 2015, 5:35 a.m.

b'Welcome to Episode 8 of HubShots!\\n\\nRecorded: Tuesday 24 November 2015\\n\\nFor show notes please visit: \\nhttp://hubshots.com/episode-8/\\n\\nIn this episode we cover:\\n\\nWelcome\\nShot 1: Inbound Thought of the Week\\nDaniel Pink: Information asymmetry where the seller has more information.\\nSeller beware: Buyers have more power than ever to research and make decisions long before they reach out to a vendor.\\nBuyer beware: Sellers have access to more details about your activity, demographics and habits than you can imagine.\\nShot 2: HubSpot Feature of the Week\\nCreate tracking url in tracking url builder and it gives you the AdWords template as well.\\n\\nHubSpot URL Builder with AdWords Template\\n\\neg {lpurl}?ads_adid={adgroupid}&ads_cmpid={campaignid}&ads_creative={creative}&ads_kw={keyword}&ads_matchtype={matchtype}&ads_network={network}&ads_targetid={targetid}&utm_campaign=HubShots&utm_content=text&utm_medium=search&utm_source=ppc&utm_term=hubspot\\n\\nShot 3: Challenge of the week\\nThanks to Brendon for sending in his challenge: HubSpot forms and cookies.\\n\\nShot 4: Opinion of the Week\\nCraig has a mini-grumble: Why are webinar recordings so bad? Even HubSpot\\u2019s webinar recordings (i.e. that you can watch later) are really bad \\u2013 terrible audio quality, grainy video etc. Why don\\u2019t they record them in high quality?\\n\\nIf you prepare webinars there is a big opportunity to stand out from your competitors\\n\\nAction item: Focus on audio quality in your next webinar\\n\\nShot 5: General Tip of the Week\\nPaid only landing pages (e.g. sending someone to a landing page from Twitter)\\nUse HotJar for viewing heatmaps: https://www.hotjar.com/ \\nHow to see what #tags are being used and is relevant for Instagram: http://websta.me/search/hubspot\\nOrganise your resources page e.g. see how much opportunity there is to guide a visitor as to what is most useful for them\\nShot 6: State of Inbound Item of the Week\\np71: What Sources of Information Do You Rely on When Making Purchase Decisions for Business Software? Salespeople\\u2019s credibility is at an all-time low:\\n\\nBusiness purchase decision sources of information\\n\\nShot 7: Content Marketing Institute Report Item of the Week\\nContent Marketing In Australia Report 2016: http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2015/11/australia-2016-content-marketing-research/\\n3714 respondents, 146 in Australia\\np4: 46% of Australian marketers have a documented content marketing strategy (up from 37% last year)\\n\\np5 top challenge: 69% say creating engaging content is their top challenge. 55% said consistency was a challenge. i.e. creating the right type of content is harder than creating it consistently\\n\\nShot 8: Motivation of the Week\\nAmazing: http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/the-story-of-content-rise-of-the-new-marketing/\\nYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnpr3pkFlk\\nAction item: Be realistic. Understand what content you have is working'