003 - Quantity versus Quality

Published: Nov. 11, 2015, 9:01 a.m.

b'Welcome to Episode 3 of HubShots!\\nRecorded: Tuesday 20 October 2015\\n\\nIn this episode we cover:\\n\\nShot 1: Inbound thought of the week\\nDiscussion: content quality versus quantity\\nFurther reading:\\naim > consistent quality: http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2015/10/content-marketing-trends-podcast/\\nMarcus: the goal is \\u2018to get better\\u2019: http://www.thesaleslion.com/quality-vs-quantity-for-content-marketing-success-the-frank-truth/\\navoid content for the sake of content: http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/34080/Why-Marketers-Need-to-Rise-Above-the-Deluge-of-Crappy-Content.aspx\\nRemember:\\nthe right content to the right person in the right place at the right time\\nShot 2: Tip of the week\\nTracking utm parameters in HubSpot: http://xen.com.au/tracking-utm-parameters-in-hubspot-forms/\\nShot 3: Tool of the week\\nCanva: https://www.canva.com/\\nShot 4: Idea of the week\\nInbound.org\\nPersona self-selection: http://blog.inbound.org/persona-self-selection\\nShot 5: Opinion of the week\\nWordPress versus HubSpot Website (previously HubSpot COS)\\nhttp://www.hubspot.com/products/website\\nhttps://wordpress.org/\\npersonalisation benefits\\nadding pages to campaigns\\nShot 6: State of Inbound thought of the week\\nState of Inbound part 2 http://www.stateofinbound.com/\\nMarketing:\\np30 marketers who check their metrics 3+X a week are 20% more likely to achieve positive ROI (lol)\\np38 sales alignment matters: SLAs between sales and marketing\\n Sales:\\n\\u201cProspecting is the most difficult step of the sales process. This issue is compounded by the fact that salespeople lack vital information before they reach out to leads.\\u201d\\np53 only 4% of ANZ sales people investing in a CRM!\\nShot 7: \\u2018Interesting\\u2019 tactic of the week\\nOutreach Emails \\u2018tactic\\u2019:\\nIncluding \\u201csent from iPhone\\u201d in outreach emails has a much higher response rate, as it seems personal\\nWhy we don\\u2019t like it\\nShot 8: Motivation of the week\\nSSW embracing content marketing: http://www.adamcogan.com/2015/10/14/the-vs-2015-ebook-behind-the-scenes/\\nShot 9: Resource of the week\\nWorkflows\\nHubSpot blog post: http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/33635/12-Automated-Email-Workflows-You-ll-Kick-Yourself-For-Not-Using.aspx\\noriginally from 2012 (note the .aspx), but shows how best practice posts stand the test of time\\na reminder about using workflows \\u2013 e.g. the inactive contact workflow\\nSome of the comments are funny too\\u2026'