Why Sugar Addiction is a Family Illness, Caused By a Broken Brain with Bitten Jonsson | EP 277

Published: Aug. 8, 2023, 7 p.m.

b'Have you tried and failed at a sugar detox, or, a \\u2018no more sugar ever again\\u2019 attempt? Well guess what.. It\\u2019s not your fault! Many of those protocols are lacking essential education and knowledge about sugar addiction being a family illness and the bit about your brain being broken - the whole thing needs to be approached in the opposite way to what you might expect which is why this episode is a must listen to! \\n\\nIn this episode we covered:\\n\\n- The 3 categories of sugar addiction\\n- How to know if you\\u2019re an addict\\n- Why sugar addiction is a family illness, not an individual disease \\n- Why your brain is broken and how to begin fixing it \\n- How the modern food landscape is highly toxic to your brain\\n- Should fruit be removed from a sugar addict\\u2019s diet? \\n- How high blood sugar and high insulin fry your brain \\n- Vegan and vegetarian foods are nutrient deficient \\n- Why you can\\u2019t cure it yourself - you need the whole family on board \\n- Group therapy is 100% essential for addictions \\n- Why focusing on \\u2018what to eat instead\\u2019 does very little for solving a food addiction problem \\n\\n***\\nJoin the Healthy Mum\\u2019s Facebook Group Here: https://mattylansdown.com/HealthyMumsFBgroup\\n\\n***\\nWhere to find BITTEN JONSSON\\n\\nBitten\'s Website: https://www.bittensaddiction.com/en/ \\n\\nBitten\'s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bitten-jonsson-a46086a/ \\n\\nBitten\'s Twitter: https://twitter.com/BittenJonsson \\n\\nBitten\'s Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1682784168624569/ \\n\\n--\\nHow to Get in Touch with MATTY LANSDOWN \\n\\nHealthy Mum\\u2019s Facebook Group: https://mattylansdown.com/HealthyMumsFBgroup\\n\\nTake the 10 Day Emotional Eating Challenge: https://mattylansdown.com/take-the-10DayChallenge \\n\\nSend Matty the word \\u2018PROGRAM\\u2019 right here to discuss our programs: https://m.me/mattylansdown \\n\\nJoin our Email list here: https://mattylansdown.com/JointheMailingList\\n--\\nIntro/Outro track Tropic Love by "Diviners feat. Contacreast"'