IBS Is A Bogus Diagnosis with Functional Nutrition Educator Kira Whitman | EP 48

Published: Oct. 29, 2019, 6 p.m.

b'Irrational Bull Shit.... happens sometimes when people have poor gut or digestive health. Whether it be the long list of doctors they\'ve been to telling them that their symptoms are in their head or that they should have already healed by now or that you must be lying about "really cutting out those foods" since that food cut didn\'t stop the persistent symptoms.. it also might be because your mental health has deteriorated and you\'re just bloody over it and today\'s guest, Functional Nutrition Educator Kira Whitman knows all about the journey of dealing with inconclusive allopathic approaches to her own Digestive and IBS issues. So if you have had any of these types of gut health problems, this episode is going to be for you!\\n\\nIn Today\'s Show We Cover:\\n\\n - Why IBS is a vague and inconclusive diagnosis\\n - Why IBS symptoms present in the first place - the underlying cause\\n - Which foods to add to your diet to build a better belly\\n - How to begin alleviating these symptoms and feeling much better!\\n - Is Gluten Really Bad For Your Gut?\\n\\n***\\nJoin the Healthy Mum\\u2019s Facebook Group here: https://mattylansdown.com/HealthyMumsFBgroup\\n***\\n\\nWhere to find KIRA WHITMAN\\n\\nKira\'s Website: https://www.anourishedlifenutrition.com/\\nKira\'s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anourishedlifenutrition\\nKira\'s Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ph/kiratarasek/\\nKira\'s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a_nourished_life_nutrition/\\n\\n--\\nHow to Get in Touch with MATTY LANSDOWN \\n\\nHealthy Mum\\u2019s Facebook Group: https://mattylansdown.com/HealthyMumsFBgroup\\n\\nTake the 10 Day Emotional Eating Challenge: https://mattylansdown.com/take-the-10DayChallenge \\n\\nSend Matty the word \\u2018PROGRAM\\u2019 right here to discuss our programs: https://m.me/mattylansdown \\n\\nJoin our Email list here: https://mattylansdown.com/JointheMailingList\\n\\n--\\nThanks for checking out the show. If you enjoyed this episode and want to hear more then please consider subscribing. If you really loved this episode and want to just tell the world about it then please take a screen shot and share it on your Instagram story and be sure to tag me so I know you\'re tuning in. 5 star ratings and positive reviews really help the podcast too so thank you in advance!\\n--\\n\\nIntro/Outro track Tropic Love by "Diviners feat. Contacreast"'