Episode 110: How to Make Christ the Center of Your Rosary Prayer while Understanding the Paradoxes of the Rosary with Dr. James Papandrea

Published: Oct. 18, 2021, 9 a.m.

Dr. James Papandrea is a professor of Church History at a Protestant Seminary but as a faithful Catholic his goal is to make sure we understand how Christ is central to the Marian prayer of the rosary. Listen in on today's conversation between Fr. Edward Looney and Dr. James Papandrea to deepen your rosary meditation.

Buy the Book: https://www.avemariapress.com/products/praying-a-christ-centered-rosary

You can buy Behold the Handmaid of the Lord, Fr. Looney's newest book from Ave Maria Press and if you use the code BEHOLD at checkout, you will save! https://www.avemariapress.com/products/behold-the-handmaid-of-the-lord

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