Masters of the Universe (1987)

Published: Jan. 19, 2023, 6:13 p.m.

By the power of Grayskull and birthdays we are bringing you a celebration of the beloved (and occasionally maligned) film adaptation of the toy series, Masters of the Universe. Join us on a good journey through the realms of Eternia and some town in Texas to follow He-Man in his usual battle with the villainous Skeletor. Behind the scenes, budget cuts and rushed schedules reigned supreme leading to a more earthly setting than most fans of the cartoon expected. 

But 7 year old Ryan didn't care about any of that. It was all about seeing He-Man battle it out, laughing at Man at Arms, and that epic throne room. Hence why it is his pick this year for a very special birthday episode celebrating one of his most enduring loves, He-Man.  

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