Dan Lyons

Published: July 6, 2020, 11 a.m.

This week on the Richard Crouse Show Podcast: My guest today joins me via Zoom from his home in Massachusetts. Dan Lyons has spent much of his recent career, following jobs as a senior editor at Forbes magazine and a writer at Newsweek, examining something that is on people’s minds these days… work. Drawing on his experience at his first job outside of a newsroom, at the HubSpot start-up he has looked at how and why we work from all angles. He has been called “the Mark Twain of Silicon Valley,” and “Jonathan Swift for our own digital age.” No less an expert than money man Dave Ramsay, of daveramsey.com,” says Lyons is “the expert on the culture of work, and how it’s changing business and lives.” Today we take the conversation he started in his last book, Lab Rats: How Silicon Valley Made Work Miserable for The Rest Of Us, and recontextualize for the pandemic to talk about what work will look like in the coming months and years.