Hotel almeda SE2 EP#80 ‘ Catch 22 ‘ 8.12.21

Published: Aug. 13, 2021, 7:52 p.m.

Shelter is a basic human need.The need for housing post disaster —is not an optional one! Sustainable options for under resourced individual- while limited MUST be pursued. Housing is not a by-passable issue. In this process, despite tremendous hope and help and teams of professionals- I have encountered so many barriers so much stress and inefficiency -that the search for housing has become counter to act of moving forward and even interfering w my ability to maintain my health. creating an endless catch 22 cycle of exhaustion. At this point it is actually causing harm. My account of the difficulties of one single recent application attempt - is a direct appeal to every Senator, congressperson, constituent rep, district rep, legal aid worker, advocate, family member, or friend of survivors. How do we change bureaucracy that creates hardship and barriers to access of the very aid it purports to provide?