Hotel Almeda: Ep 1 “Day One Post Evacuation”

Published: Feb. 16, 2021, 12:36 a.m.

This is real time audio that Lisa recorded on 9/9/21 -the day after evacuating her home in Pheonix Oregon to escape the destructive path of the #Almeda Oregon wildfire- which burned approx 3000 homes & business and destroyed over 90% of the town. It was later called the states largest recorded natural disaster. At this point Lisa didn’t know which homes, if any were still standing . She had evacuated with her good friend, her landlord several times the previous evening- first to a friends and later to a local hotel in attempt to remain safe and while seeking shelter from the 3 large fires burning uncontrollably in the cities surrounding them. The next day Lisa began recording her experience, in her car at the parking lot of the hotel. The sound quality is poor due to being outdoors and using basic equipment on hand. ! transcriptions of these audio journals will be provided in the future! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.