Published: May 27, 2019, 8:41 a.m.

Last winter, Hot Cares lent some Hot Cares help to the Have a Heart Foundation by replacing all the windows in their building which had been smashed in, making the shelter vulnerable to the cold. Since then, they’ve had to move premises (for the better) and have now partnered with Wings of Inspiration – a great organisation that does a lot in the community – to renovate and retrofit the warehouse space they’ve found to make it fit for use as an old age home. To help them get settled and make the place homely, Hot Cares has purchased 24 beds and mattresses. Thank you to Mattress Factory who’ve donated pillows for each bed. And in the heartwarming spirit of Ubuntu, a Hot 91.9 FM listener called in to donate her old kitchen to this very worthy cause. Hot Cares – Making A Meaningful Difference in the Lives of Those Around Us.