Published: May 21, 2019, 9:07 a.m.

Phezile Koekoe reached out to Hot Cares to tell us about the Health and Wellness Mission Project she spearheads in Diepsloot. Every Thursday morning, a group of 45 people who are openly living with HIV and Aids who come together for mutual support group, skills development, spiritual support, health talk and food security. As they encourage each other, there’s also a time of spiritual input through bible study, motivation and prayer. At the end they get food donations from Woolworths. Although, it’s not enough, it usually only lasts for a day or two and on other days, the people have to search around for decent food to take their medication. They’re always in need of non-perishable foods, volunteers for trauma counselling and health talks, sanitary pads, as well as clothes and blankets. To contribute towards the incredible work they are doing to educate, inform and encourage people in their community, Hot Cares has purchased grocery and toiletry items to the value of R7000 to assist. Hot Cares – Making a Meaningful Difference in the Lives of Those Around Us