Published: July 1, 2019, 2:26 p.m.

Sandra wrote in to Hot Cares on behalf of her brother Gavin. At 56 years old, Gavin has been through the emotional and physical of battling cancer, (which was first detected as prostate cancer but then rapidly spread to his skeletal system) and has finally hit that inconceivable wall. Gavin’s doctors have told him that the chemo is no longer working, and the cancer is progressing beyond their ability to cope with. From being a fit, sport-loving man to being wheelchair bound and unable to do things for himself, Sandra asked Hot Cares to assist making a dream come true for Gavin. It being that Reach for Dream only makes dreams come true for terminal children under the age of 18, Hot Cares decided to step to make this particular wish come true. All Gavin wants is to watch a Springbok game live. Simple enough and thankfully, totally doable! We’ve invited Gavin and his wife to join us for the test match against Australia on the 20th of July at Emirates Airline Park. Go Bokke!