Episode 42 - The Dark Side of Disney, The Horrifying Tales Behind the Fairy Tales

Published: Dec. 12, 2020, 5:01 a.m.

If there is one thing that Disney is known for is their re-telling of fairy tales.  They take a fairy tale, and Disney it up for the big screen.  All the women are beautiful, but oppressed in some way.  All the men are strong and valiant.  Somehow facing insurmountable odds they are always victorious against the bad guy, take their thrones, and live happily ever after wearing uniforms or hoop skirts while hanging out with the forest creatures or friends they met along the way.


But that is not how these stories started.  There was no hoop skirts or dancing teapots.  Fairy tales are actually a type of folk lore that was handed down from generation to generation.  While a folk tale is often simplistic in its storyline, fairy tales are often more complex.  While today’s versions of the original stories are told to children, they were originally meant for an adult audience due to their darkness and gruesome plots.


Welcome to Episode 42…The Dark Side of Disney, The Horrifying Tales Behind the Fairytales


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Horrifying History would like to thank both the podcast Choose Your Struggle and Liquid Death for sponsoring today's episode.  You can find the amazing podcast Choose Your Struggle on any major podcast provider.  While listening, murder your thirst with water sealed in recyclable cans which helps save our environment and brings death to plastic.  You can find them at any Whole Foods or at www.liquiddeath.com.  

We also would like to thank The Not So Scientific Method Podcast for also sponsoring this episode.  This amazing new podcast delves into facts in a world full of opinion and questionable information.  You can find them anywhere podcasts are found.