Relating in Love | Wisdom Dialogues Online | April 20, 2020

Published: April 22, 2020, 5 p.m.


People are so much more than what the senses dictate. If you perceive them as less than love, it's not because that's really how they are.

If you're perceiving them like that it's because you have judged yourself insanely and you are trying to make it about them.

But their reality (which you share) is sheltered in love, perfectly protected from your interpretation of their reality.

However, while you insist on believing in the reality you made for them, you will be made to suffer the consequences you thought they deserved.

When you're ready to be released from the effects of your judgment, simply offer some willingness to accept that the darkness that you seem to see in them comes out of your desire to keep yourself in darkness, and ask your spirit guide to help you see clearly.


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