Tony Kriz, Killer Bees and Women in Prison

Published: Sept. 11, 2013, 12:29 a.m.

b'This week, Christian sits down with Tony Kriz (AKA, Tony the Beat Poet from Blue Like Jazz) to talk about his new book, Neighbors and Wise Men. They also break down a brief history of the Acts 29 network, and Tony Explains how and when Mark Driscoll’s Mars Hill and Imago Dei went in very different directions.
\\nTony also talks about what it’s like to live in intentional community, doing ministry without a church and why some of his most spiritual encounters have been over a pint in a pub…which is exactly where we were when we did this interview.
\\nAmy breaks down a double-dose of her fear of the week, one of which involves swarms of angry stinging beasts. No, not Church deacons. Even worse!
\\nWe also go through some fall recommendations, including a more in-depth chat about the new Netflix series, Orange is the New Black, the latest Neko Case record and what we think is going to happen in the final episodes of Breaking Bad (don’t go, Walt. We love you…*sniff*)