Homebrewed SabbathCast

Published: Dec. 25, 2017, 10:04 p.m.

b'Welcome to Homebrewed SabbathCast!
\\nAmy and Christian are not talking about anything serious on this week’s episode. Well, they try not to. Christian talk to Dana Trent, author of\\xa0For Sabbath’s Sake: Embracing Your Need For Rest, Worship, and Community.\\xa0Is the Sabbath just something we’re supposed to give to God? Where does personal rest come into play? Hear about Dana’s q-tip moment (and what that is), the need for balance, and our tendency to be in denial,
\\nIsn’t Sabbath just another thing to do? How can Sabbath be a form a worship? How do we actually build a community from rest?
\\nHear Dana talk about how to make your own Sabbath plan and 3 steps to help you begin. Make sure to follow Dana on twitter, Facebook, and at her website jdanatrent.com
\\nLater, Amy and Christian ask,\\xa0are we raising little fascists?\\xa0How powerful is the content our children are consuming? Has our culture become obsessed with good guys, bad guys, and rigid consequences?
\\nPlus our very first “ask the pastor and the caster” segment, and obligatory gift-giving, politics of gift-giving, and gift-giving disasters stories.
\\nIf you are a regular listener, you should really consider helping support the podcast. We are so close to our goal of getting 10 new patrons and $100 a month in support. Supporters who donate at least $10 a month will get to take part in the ask the pastor and the caster segment, as well as a copy of Christian’s new book and access to the new podcast starting next year called Surviving the Bible.
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