Faith, Ethics and Medical Practice with Dr. Lauren Raimer-Goodman

Published: Feb. 3, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

b'This episode is all about medicine, medical ethics, and faith.
\\nAmy and Christian take a look at two big news stories involving medicine and ethics: the sexual assault case against US Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar, and the Trump administration’s initiative to give more freedom for physicians to refuse treatment because of religious belief.\\xa0We implicitly trust and give authority to doctors, what about the systemic negligence that contributes to the abuse of that power and trust?
\\nChristian also talks with Dr. Lauren Raimer-Goodman, with the University of Texas medical branch, about how\\xa0practicing medicine is an expression of her faith, the differences in the understanding and realities of practicing medicine in the US and Africa, the perception and role of physicians in our lives today, the role of doubt in medicine, the ethics training required and what happens when and if there is a breach, and how the people who have suffered an abuse are treated, and how she deals with the patriarchal nature of the medical field.
\\nThe Ask the Caster and Pastor segment is back! You can submit a question for Christian and Amy to answer on air by becoming a supporter of the podcast.
\\nSome people give something up for Lent (most of us fail at it). But why not take something on instead? How about (gasp!) actually reading\\xa0the Bible?
\\nSure, we all know Bible verses and may have even tried to read the \\u201cwhole Bible,\\u201d maybe even more than once. But it can be confusing, contradictory and \\u2013 if we\\u2019re being honest \\u2013 really freaking boring in places. But there\\u2019s another way to approach scripture that can actually make sense, and might even be enjoyable.
\\nJoin Amy, Christian, and Homebrewed Christianity’s Tripp Fuller in figuring out how to “Survive the Bible” together this Lent.