Election Hangover Podcast with Tripp and Christian

Published: Nov. 9, 2016, 9:49 p.m.

b'This is a post-election podcast. It is very fresh. Christian and I talk about our feelings, thoughts, anger, and hopes after the election. We discuss it in three parts: as a Citizen, as a Husband-Parent, and as a Christian. \\xa0At the conclusion we decided to have a future (more reflective) episode and invited listeners of both podcasts to join it via the SpeakPipe. You can do that here\\xa0and add your voice to a future episode.\\xa0
\\nWe also mention an upcoming event in LA the day before Theology Beer\\xa0Camp\\xa0on January 18th called Third Rail Theology: Race, Class, & White Privilege in the Church. If you are a SoCal local you are invited, along with everyone coming to the Homebrewed event.
\\nIf for some reason you don’t subscribe to both the CultureCast and HBC… think about it!